We are living in an age of increasing complexity, especially when it comes to construction. The multiple complexities of material changes and shortages, fuel availability, environmental mandates, safety regulations, a decline in the number of skilled construction workers, the revolution in communications, litigation, and turbulent financial markets have made construction in Virginia more challenging than ever. In the face of these challenges, Pinnacle Construction has utilized various, ever-emerging construction project delivery systems to meet each client's needs.
Project Delivery System refers to the comprehensive process by which a building is designed and constructed by Pinnacle Construction. This includes all the construction procedures, actions, sequences of events, contractual relations, obligations interrelations, and various forms of agreement, all aimed at the successful completion of the design and construction of structures.
Pinnacle typically uses the following systems to deliver a project:
Pinnacle Construction & Development Corporation uses the development milestone estimating process.
This process has proven to be highly accurate in projecting the actual cost of construction in Virginia markets based on results from previous projects on which Pinnacle Construction & Development has collaborated. This process involves preparation of the initial construction program (conceptual) estimate and refinement of the estimate into a final construction cost estimate as the project design develops from the pre-design phase to the bid document phase.
At the completion of each design phase milestone, more detailed information is provided and, therefore, the more accurate the construction estimate becomes. A value analysis is performed at each milestone to identify possible construction design improvements that, based on our extensive experience, will improve or maintain functionality at reduced costs. Our initial conceptual estimate as reflected in the pricing presented within this proposal establishes the "not to exceed" construction budget for each building within the development. At each design milestone, once the construction estimate is refined, it is presented to the development team as a budget update along with value analysis recommendations.
The development team then decides which recommendations will be adopted and the design is modified accordingly. The cost savings presented by the revised design are captured in the subsequent design milestone estimate. Prior to preparation of the final bid documents, a biddability and constructibility review is conducted to ensure system compatibility and appropriateness of the design. Additionally, the design is checked for proper interdisciplinary coordination and presentation clarity to ensure well-defined subcontractor bid scopes and eliminate contingencies in subcontractor bids.
An agreement where the contractor is reimbursed on the basis of actual costs plus a fixed or percentage fee. Allows the Owner to select the contractor early in the process in order to provide pre-construction services to help control time and costs and possibly reduce any contingency amounts.
An agreement between owner and qualified construction firm to provide construction leadership and perform administration and management within a defined scope of services. The Construction Manager performs an administrative role throughout the project, acting primarily as an agent to the owner. The Construction Manager coordinates and monitors the various trade contractors, who become direct contractors to the owner.
An agreement to perform both design and construction under one contract between an owner and design-build contractor. Offers "single point responsibility" and reduces the time spent by the owner on design and construction.