• Virginia Multi-family Construction - Fieldstone Apartments, Blacksburg
  • Multifamily Building Construction in Virginia Fieldstone Apartments, Blacksburg
  • Fieldstone Apartments, Blacksburg, Virginia - Multifamily Construction
  • Virginia Multifamily Building Construction - Fieldstone Apartments, Blacksburg
  • Apartment Building Construction in Virginia - Fieldstone Apartments, Blacksburg
  • Fieldstone Apartments, Blacksburg, Virginia - Multifamily Building Construction
  • Virginia Multifamily Builders - Pinnacle Construction - Fieldstone Apartments, Blacksburg
  • Multifamily Contractors in Virginia - Fieldstone Apartments, Blacksburg
  • Fieldstone Apartments, Blacksburg, Virginia - Apartment Contractors
  • Apartment Contractors in Blacksburg, Virginina - Fieldstone Apartments
  • Apartment Building Construction in Blacksburg, Virginina - Fieldstone Apartments
  • Multifamily Apartment Construction in Blacksburg, Virginina - Fieldstone Apartments
  • Apartment Construction in Blacksburg, Virginina - Fieldstone Apartments
  • Apartment Construction in Blacksburg, Virginina - Fieldstone Apartments
  • Apartment Construction in Blacksburg, Virginina - Fieldstone Apartments
  • Apartment Construction in Blacksburg, Virginina - Fieldstone Apartments
  • Apartment Construction in Blacksburg, Virginina - Fieldstone Apartments
  • Apartment Construction in Blacksburg, Virginina - Fieldstone Apartments
  • Apartment Construction in Blacksburg, Virginina - Fieldstone Apartments
  • Apartment Construction in Blacksburg, Virginina - Fieldstone Apartments
  • Apartment Construction in Blacksburg, Virginina - Fieldstone Apartments
  • Apartment Construction in Blacksburg, Virginina - Fieldstone Apartments

Fieldstone Apartments

Blacksburg, Virginia
60 Senior Units
84 Tax Exempt Units
Completed in 2018

Multifamily Contractor in Blacksburg, Va - Fieldstone Apartments by Pinnacle Construction
Multifamily Contractor in Blacksburg, Va - Fieldstone Apartments by Pinnacle Construction
Multifamily Contractor in Blacksburg, Va - Fieldstone Apartments by Pinnacle Construction
Multifamily Contractor in Blacksburg, Va - Fieldstone Apartments by Pinnacle Construction
Multifamily Contractor in Blacksburg, Va - Fieldstone Apartments by Pinnacle Construction
Multifamily Contractor in Blacksburg, Va - Fieldstone Apartments by Pinnacle Construction
Multifamily Contractor in Blacksburg, Va - Fieldstone Apartments by Pinnacle Construction
Multifamily Contractor in Blacksburg, Va - Fieldstone Apartments by Pinnacle Construction
Multifamily Contractor in Blacksburg, Va - Fieldstone Apartments by Pinnacle Construction
Multifamily Contractor in Blacksburg, Va - Fieldstone Apartments by Pinnacle Construction
Multifamily Contractor in Blacksburg, Va - Fieldstone Apartments by Pinnacle Construction
Multifamily Contractor in Blacksburg, Va - Fieldstone Apartments by Pinnacle Construction
Multifamily Contractor in Blacksburg, Va - Fieldstone Apartments by Pinnacle Construction
Multifamily Contractor in Blacksburg, Va - Fieldstone Apartments by Pinnacle Construction
Multifamily Contractor in Blacksburg, Va - Fieldstone Apartments by Pinnacle Construction
Multifamily Contractor in Blacksburg, Va - Fieldstone Apartments by Pinnacle Construction
Multifamily Contractor in Blacksburg, Va - Fieldstone Apartments by Pinnacle Construction
Multifamily Contractor in Blacksburg, Va - Fieldstone Apartments by Pinnacle Construction
Multifamily Contractor in Blacksburg, Va - Fieldstone Apartments by Pinnacle Construction
Multifamily Contractor in Blacksburg, Va - Fieldstone Apartments by Pinnacle Construction
Multifamily Contractor in Blacksburg, Va - Fieldstone Apartments by Pinnacle Construction
Multifamily Contractor in Blacksburg, Va - Fieldstone Apartments by Pinnacle Construction

Touted by many city officials as "the best plan for affordable and senior housing that Blacksburg has seen in years" according to the Roanoke Times, Fieldstone Apartments fulfills an void in affordable housing in Blacksburg. With many of the up and coming new developments in the area focused on the student housing market, Fieldstone Apartments in Blacksburg, Va offers 60 income restricted senior (55 and older) units and 84 Tax Exempt Bond units.